Meanwood Park Hospital Annual Sports Day.
One of the special events of the year was the Annual Sports Day; the sports day being adapted for able bodied residents and colonists.
There were races for those who could run and we also included another one for the slow walkers. In their case it was the slow walkers who were different from the ones able to do the running. First one was a prize winner and in the slow walkers it was the last one. I remember one time I won one of the prizes for that. It was a case of people going as slow as they could rather than running for those that were able to run.”
This was an important event with prizes and a shield to be won. For some, staff as well as colonists, it was a splendid opportunity to vent their feelings with impunity.
“When you had sports day used to have egg and spoon race. Used to go round villas and pass this thing to other people and when you come back had to pass this stick to next person. And the last that come in used to get prizes, sweets and a shield. Used to have blind boxing when someone had a go at Dr W’s face!”
“After sports were finished, down t’ recreation hall for a dance. It were a band that come”
This original photo album, gives us a rare insight into life at Meanwood Park Hospital in 1949.
It was a gift to the then Medical Superintendent, Dr. Wilson, from the Guides and Scouts, Rangers and Rovers of Meanwood Park Hospital, and depicts “Happy Memories of the Sports Day.”